2005年5月24日 星期二

If you leave me now

If you leave me now

You'll take away the biggest part of me

No baby, please don't go

If you leave me now

You'll take away the very heart of me

No baby, please don't go

*A love like ours is love that's hard to find

How could we let it slip away

We've come too far to leave it all behind

How could we end it all this way

When tomorrow comes

We'll both regret things we said today


If you leave me now

You'll take away the biggest part of me

No baby, please don't go

Girl, I gotta have you by my side

No baby, please don't go

Oh my, I just got to have you loving, babe

1 則留言:

  1. 我是你妹^^








寫在35歲生日這天。 2018年,是我老公人生的轉捩點,生老病死都經歷了。 我公公因為不敵病魔,驟然離世,然而同時我們也迎來期盼已久的第一個孩子;幾番考量之下,我們決定把婆婆接過來一起生活,所以買了人生中第一間自己的房子⋯⋯ 這一連串的起伏變化都值得寫好幾篇網誌紀錄,...