2008年9月1日 星期一


Right, love is sweet and painful.


I know, all of those are my illusion.


But, why I can still feel sweet and painful?


Should I let it go? Or just stop thinking?



Maybe I’m not only falling in love with myself when I’m falling in love.


Your smile does work out! Ya, Your God Damn smile.


But it’s just the smile; our butterflies won’t come back for it.



Butterfly and ladybug are different species. They can’t fall in love with each other.


Needless to say they didn’t fall in love from the beginning.


If they did, it’s illusion.





寫在35歲生日這天。 2018年,是我老公人生的轉捩點,生老病死都經歷了。 我公公因為不敵病魔,驟然離世,然而同時我們也迎來期盼已久的第一個孩子;幾番考量之下,我們決定把婆婆接過來一起生活,所以買了人生中第一間自己的房子⋯⋯ 這一連串的起伏變化都值得寫好幾篇網誌紀錄,...