2008年2月26日 星期二

looking forward to …

It’s hard to me to say it…


My dream job was gone, ya, I lost it.


Today I called that girl who interviewed me, she told me the answer … I hadn’t been chose.


So, I decided to tell you guys this upset news with a language I’m not knowing well.


I think … I should do something, something I never done before.


And check out what do I left …


How many chips do I have …





Farewell, dear all.


2 則留言:

  1. mmm.......cheer up

    u can do it ,my babi

    everything will be fine:P

  2. they lack of insight

    they don't apppreciate ur ability

    keep up the good work!!




寫在35歲生日這天。 2018年,是我老公人生的轉捩點,生老病死都經歷了。 我公公因為不敵病魔,驟然離世,然而同時我們也迎來期盼已久的第一個孩子;幾番考量之下,我們決定把婆婆接過來一起生活,所以買了人生中第一間自己的房子⋯⋯ 這一連串的起伏變化都值得寫好幾篇網誌紀錄,...